Cenovis OmegaVit

Cenovis OmegaVit capsule

Contents: Fish oil (equiv to DHA 25 mg, EPA 40 mg, omega-3 marine triglycerides 75 mg) 250 mg, retinyl palmitate (vit A) 300 mcg, thiamine nitrate (vit B1) 1.2 mcg, riboflavin (vit B2) 1.3 mg, nicotinamide (vit B3) 16 mg, Ca pantothenate (vit B5) 6 mg, pyridoxine HCl (vit B6) 1.3 mg, folic acid 200 mcg, ascorbic acid 60 mg, vit E (equiv to d-a-tocopheryl acetate) 7.35 mg, Ca carbonate 125 mg, Fe fumarate 6 mg, Mg carbonate 55 mg, Zn oxide 6 mg, cholecalciferol (vit D3) 3.25 mcg

Indications: Food supplement.

Dosage: 1 cap daily.

Administration: Should be taken with food.

Regulatory Classification: Non-Rx

Manufacturer: sanofi-aventis

Distributor: sanofi-aventis