Clusivol OB

Clusivol OB tablet

Contents: Vit A 8,000 IU, vit D2 400 IU, vit E, 30 IU, vit B1 3 mg, vit B2 3.4 mg, vit B3 20 mg, vit B6 4 mg, vit B9 1 mg, vit B12 12 mcg, ascorbic acid 100 mg, Ca carbonate 250 mg, cupric oxide 2 mg, K iodide 300 mcg, Fe fumarate 60 mg, Mg oxide 25 mg, Zn sulfate 25 mg

Indications: Dietary supplement for pregnant & lactating women.

Dosage: 1 tab daily.

Administration: May be taken with or without food: May be taken with meals for better absorption or if gastrointestinal discomfort occurs.

Regulatory Classification: Non-Rx

Manufacturer: Pfizer Consumer

Distributor: Metro Drug